3 Good Reasons To Get Cremated

These days more and more people are choosing cremation over traditional burial. If you are thinking about cremation, you may want to have some reasons why it's a good choice.  Cost One reason that many people choose to go with cremation is that it less expensive than being buried. Your body may not have to get embalmed if you are going to do an immediate cremation. Part of the reason for embalming a body is preserving it and stopping the decomposition process. Read More 

You Have Been Asked To Shoot Some Photos At A Funeral — Now What?

Although photos aren't taken at every funeral, some families wish for them to be taken as a memento of having the entire family together. Despite the somber nature of the occasion, these photos can provide solace in the months and years ahead. Many families won't actually hire a professional photographer for the occasion, meaning that if you're an amateur photographer with adequate camera gear, you might be asked to play this role. Read More 

Tips For Successfully Organizing A Funeral Ceremony

There are a lot of different parts that go into organizing a funeral service and ushering guests through the process. Having a strong plan from the start can help you to navigate this event successfully. Here are some tips on arranging funerals with ease. Set a Budget The first thing that you should do is talk with your funeral home director about your budget. It helps to get the costs of the actual burial out of the way— after you know how much the casket, cremation, and/or embalming will cost, you'll have a better estimate of how much you can spend on the funeral service itself. Read More 

How To Decorate A Funeral Reception

If a loved one has passed, it might become your responsibility you make the arrangements. This often includes setting up and decorating a funeral reception. While the funeral director is often there to lend a hand, some of the little details should be up to you, as you want them to follow a theme of what the deceased enjoyed in their life. Here are some tips for decorating a funeral reception. Read More 

Three Types Of Families Traditional Burial Is Best For

A funeral service is a time when a grief-stricken family can come together and offer mutual support and comfort. While some families find that scattering cremation ashes may help them find the most closure, other families may have personalities better suited to interring remains in a burial plot and having a permanent memorial to visit. There are several other aspects to the profile of a family whose best choice is traditional burial, too. Read More